

  • noun: a nest of wild bees, wasps, or hornets
  • verb: to ride a bicycle
  • verb: to ride a bike
  • synonyms: swarm, motorbike, slapper


  • She rode her 'bike' to school.

  • He 'bikes' in the mountains.

  • We 'biked' to the park.

Movie quotes

  • (..) - There we are. - It looks delicious. Will you do the honors? Why, Peter, you're bleeding. Oh, yeah, I stepped off a curb and got clipped by one of those bike messengers. Well, let me see. Oh, my goodness. - That looks awful. - No, it's nothing. I'll get the first-aid kit. Then we'll say grace. This is the boys' first Thanksgiving in this apartment and we are going to do things properly. How did you say that happened? Bike messenger. Knocked me down. - If you'll excuse me, I've got to be going. - Why? Something has come to my attention. Are you all right? (..)
    2002 Spider-Man