

  • noun: a bright color
  • adjective: producing a lot of light
  • adjective: radiating or reflecting light
  • usually used in plural
  • synonyms: vivacious, radiant, illustrious


  • Your cat is very sick right now, but try to 'look on the bright side'. She can be treated with medicine.

  • Car sales were one of the few 'bright spots' for the economy last year.

  • ('US') He lost the race, but 'on the bright side', he didn't get hurt.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) - Mississippi... - No! - Aah! - Mississippi... There's gotta be a bright side... Arr, if only there were more people in the world like he. Meet me downstairs in seconds. - Hi! (..)
    2014 The Lego Movie
  • (..) than give it to you. Look, everybody, we can do this the easy way, or we can do it... Vitruvius, which way to Cloud Cuckooland? Head for the big bright thing in the sky. - You mean the sun? - Yeah. Yeah, that's it. Let's get out of here. Here, use this. (..)
    2014 The Lego Movie