

  • adjective: on fire
  • adjective: being on fire
  • synonyms: fiery, consuming, intense


  • She was 'burning for' a chance to prove herself. [=she wanted very much to get a chance to prove herself]

  • ('humorous') “We were talking about you last night.” “That explains why I 'felt my ears burning'.”

  • She was 'burning with' anger at his rudeness. [=she was very angry because of his rudeness]

Movie quotes

  • (..) You can't go home smelling like a meth lab. Yeah, you can. I do. Those? Wow. Those... You're keeping those on right? Come on. Daylight's burning. Oh, my God. Wow, this is a good look for you. I mean, you're maybe only the world's second-biggest homo. Would you shut up and help me? (..)
    2008 TvShow: Breaking Bad Title: Pilot Season: 1 Episode 1