

  • adjective: difficult in a way that is usually interesting or enjoyable
  • adjective: arousing competitive interest, thought, or action
  • synonyms: ambitious, demanding, insubordinate


  • The slope was 'challenging' for even the most experienced climbers.

  • A number of doctors are 'challenging' the study's claims.

  • It's a 'challenging' book that requires careful reading.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Like what we're about to go through. I didn't mean for that to sound like it did. I'm sorry. It's not like difficult or challenging are bad things, anyway. Look, I know that I've been a little caught up in my own world lately. - Some people might call it self-centered. - "Some people"? Most people? (..)
    2014 Annabelle
  • (..) Sometimes you just don't wanna hear how difficult it's gonna be. "Difficult"? No, maybe difficult's not the right word. Challenging? Are you talking about the residency, or me and the baby? I don't know. All of it, I guess. I mean, it's not like this is an ideal (..)
    2014 Annabelle