

  • noun: the act or process of trying to get or win something (such as a prize or a higher level of success) that someone else is also trying to get or win
  • noun: the act or process of 'competing'
  • often + 'from'
  • synonyms: rivalry, jealousy, struggle


  • The school fosters an atmosphere of 'competition' rather than cooperation. [=it encourages students to compete against each other instead of work together]

  • Downtown stores are looking for new ways to attract customers in the face of 'competition from' the stores at the mall.

  • There will be intense/fierce 'competition' for the top spots. [=many people will be trying to get the top spots]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) I think Ed Begley Jr. has one. No, that's just electric. What about Harrison Ford? He had one in That was a cool one. Well, what's the competition? What do you think the big holdup is? The government is very touchy about us being in the air. Let us run on the ground (..)
    1998 TvShow: Seinfeld Title: The Dealership Season: 9 Episode 11