

  • adjective: of or relating to a situation in which people or groups are trying to win a contest or be more successful than others
  • adjective: relating to, characterized by, or based on 'competition'
  • synonyms: adversary, adversative, adverse


  • The new technology gave them a 'competitive' advantage/edge. [=a better chance than others of winning or succeeding]

  • It is a very 'competitive' job market. [=a situation in which a lot of people are trying to get jobs]

  • We offer great service at 'competitive' rates. [=rates that are close to those of other companies]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) on your yellow question card. You must have your question card filled out before you enter the studio. Thank you. What's yours say, Karen? How can I stop feeling competitive with my mother-in-law? I've heard that one before. Try to make it more specific. How can I stop feeling competitive with (..)
    2003 TvShow: Six Feet Under Title: Making Love Work Season: 3 Episode 6