

  • verb: to agree with someone or something
  • verb: to act together to a common end or single effect
  • often + 'with'


  • She 'concurred with' the judge's ruling. = She 'concurred with' the judge.

  • We 'concur' that more money should be spent on education.

  • “I think more time is needed.” “I 'concur'.”

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) that I lead the campaign. WINDU: The council will make up its own mind who is to go, not the chancellor. A master is needed, with more experience. I concur. Master Kenobi should go. - YODA: I agree. - KI-ADI-MUNDI: Aye. WINDU: Aye - WINDU: Very well. Council adjourned. (..)
    2005 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith