

  • noun: the act of preparing and cooking food
  • adjective: suitable for or used in cooking
  • synonyms: cookery, cuisine, culinary art


  • The rice is still 'cooking', but it will be ready in 10 minutes.

  • There''s' something 'cooking', but he won't say what.

  • delicious 'home cooking' [=food cooked at home]

Movie quotes

  • (..) - You don't have a choice. - I am coping with this. - You can't give up. You have to... - Oh, no, Mother. - Bingo! That is cooking sherry! - Please! Please! - You have to find a way to live with this. - Live with it? I am living with this! - You're not! - I'm dealing... I'm coping... (..)
    2009 The Lovely Bones