

  • noun: a large animal that is raised by people for milk or meat usually on a farm
  • noun: the mature female of cattle (genus 'Bos')
  • verb: to make (someone) too afraid to do something
  • verb: to destroy the resolve or courage of
  • used with 'into'
  • synonyms: intimidate, cowl, overawe


  • They were 'cowed' into silence by threats. [=they did not complain, publicly say anything, etc., because they had been threatened]

  • They'll be arguing about this 'till the cows come home'.

  • The football team was a 'cash cow' for the university.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) - Yeah, I can. - No, you can't. - Yes, I can. - No, you can't. I'm telling you, no one can. See? That's all I ever do. You almost have this side. Holy cow. - You almost had that one. - I'm gonna get it. Look at that. You're almost there. - This is me. Good job. - Goodbye. - Yeah. I'll see you soon. (..)
    2006 The Pursuit of Happyness