

  • adjective: having or showing an ability to make new things or think of new ideas
  • adjective: marked by the ability or power to 'create'
  • synonyms: constructive, yeasty, notional


  • It turns out that the company's report of record profits last year was due to some 'creative accounting'.

  • a burst of 'creative' energy [=energy that you use to make or think of new things]

  • He was more 'creative' [='imaginative'] than the other students.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) You're a photographer? I'm gonna be. Wow. That's funny because I could-- I could sort of tell that you were, like, creative. God, that's very cool that you're an artist. Well, I-- I don't know if you can call me an artist. No, you know what? Never let (..)
    2008 Two Lovers