

  • noun: an animal of any type
  • noun: something 'created' either animate or inanimate
  • + 'of'
  • synonyms: animal, man, instrument


  • The industry is still a 'creature of' the 1930s. [=it began in the 1930s and has not changed]

  • They say that these forests are filled with wild 'creatures'. [='beasts']

  • I'm a 'creature of habit'. [=I always do the same things in the same way]

Movie quotes

  • (..) And hug, and dance, and sing, and hug, and dance, and hug... But then one day, the trolls were discovered by... They were the most miserable creatures in all the land. And once they saw how happy the trolls were... They wanted some of that happiness for themselves. Oh, my god! (..)
    2016 Trolls
  • (..) in the happiest tree... Lived the happiest creatures the world has ever known. They loved nothing more than to sing, and dance, and hug. Dance, and hug, and sing, and dance, and sing, and hug, and dance... (..)
    2016 Trolls