

  • noun: an animal of any type
  • noun: something 'created' either animate or inanimate
  • + 'of'
  • synonyms: animal, man, instrument


  • The industry is still a 'creature of' the 1930s. [=it began in the 1930s and has not changed]

  • They say that these forests are filled with wild 'creatures'. [='beasts']

  • I'm a 'creature of habit'. [=I always do the same things in the same way]

Movie quotes

  • (..) So we would take the previs data... ...and we could extract the movement data from it... ...and program our base to replicate exactly what the creature was doing in previs. So our base scenes are moving just like the animated model moves. So what it means is the Digital Department (..)
    2012 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey