

  • noun: an animal of any type
  • noun: something 'created' either animate or inanimate
  • + 'of'
  • synonyms: animal, man, instrument


  • The industry is still a 'creature of' the 1930s. [=it began in the 1930s and has not changed]

  • They say that these forests are filled with wild 'creatures'. [='beasts']

  • I'm a 'creature of habit'. [=I always do the same things in the same way]

Movie quotes

  • (..) Yes, you're right, Miss Stein. 'Course...uh... you can see why he's lost all objectivity. He's made a creature of Place Pigalle. A whore with volcanic appetites. Non, non! C'est ce qu'elle vraiment si vous la connaissez! (No, no! It's true if you know her!) Yes, avec toi, au privé, (..)
    2011 Midnight in Paris