

  • adjective: causing or able to cause damage
  • adjective: causing or able to cause 'damage'
  • synonyms: detrimental, detrimental to(predicate), prejudicial


  • The chemical is 'damaging' to the lungs. [=it will make a person's lungs less healthy]

  • He says he has 'damaging' information about the candidate.

  • The evidence was very 'damaging' to their case.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) I was in that room! I accuse this man. By his tone, by his careful denials, - - he has been trying to plant damaging impression of my conduct. I'll tell you why we were in that room. Mr. Taylor, a respected citizen, - - had brought the evidence against this man and we urged him to resign. (..)
    1939 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington