

  • verb: to say or state (something) in an official or public way
  • verb: to make known formally, officially, or explicitly


  • The company was forced to 'declare bankruptcy'. [=to formally say in a legal document that it was bankrupt]

  • He 'declared' himself the winner. = He 'declared' that he was the winner. = He 'declared victory'.

  • His 'declared' [=publicly stated] aim/goal/intention is to improve the city's downtown area.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) The time has come for our outrage to be turned into action. Five months ago, my husband addressed the House of Representatives and asked them to declare war on ICO. Congress failed him. Congress failed you. ICO extremists want democracy and America itself to die a fiery death. (..)
    2017 TvShow: House of Cards Title: Chapter 65 Season: 5 Episode 13