

  • verb: to say or state (something) in an official or public way
  • verb: to make known formally, officially, or explicitly


  • The company was forced to 'declare bankruptcy'. [=to formally say in a legal document that it was bankrupt]

  • He 'declared' himself the winner. = He 'declared' that he was the winner. = He 'declared victory'.

  • His 'declared' [=publicly stated] aim/goal/intention is to improve the city's downtown area.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Writers are competitive. I'm not gonna be competitive with you. You're too self-effacing. It's not manly. If you're a writer, declare yourself the best writer! But you're not, as long as I'm around. Unless you want to put the gloves on and settle it? No, I don't. Hey, I'm not gonna read your novel, (..)
    2011 Midnight in Paris