

  • adjective: no longer living
  • adjective: having died especially recently
  • used as a polite way to say that someone is dead
  • synonyms: dead person, dead soul, deceased person


  • These clothes recall the elegance of a 'departed' [='bygone'] era.

  • We have come to say goodbye to our dear 'departed' friend.

  • They left flowers at the graves of 'the departed'.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) made out by circuit court Judge Henry Allen Laudermilk of Austin Texas. You're encouraged to wire him. He'll back up who I am, and who your dear departed sheriff was. In other words marshall, you owe me two hundred dollars. DJANGO: I'll be damned. SCHULTZ: After this Brittle business is behind us… (..)
    2012 Django Unchained
  • (..) That iron is nasty business. Could you hold this for a moment? Thank you. Django, get up on that horse. Also if I were you, I'd take that winter coat the dear departed Speck left behind. DICKY: Nigger, don't you touch my brother's coat! Goddammit! – One hundred… ten… twenty… and five… (..)
    2012 Django Unchained