

  • noun: the most powerful spirit of evil in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam who is often represented as the ruler of hell
  • noun: the personal supreme spirit of evil often represented in Jewish and Christian belief as the tempter of humankind, the leader of all apostate angels, and the ruler of hell
  • verb: to season highly
  • used to make a statement or question more forceful
  • synonyms: demon, devil's hand


  • The new regulations have created 'a devil of' a problem [=a very difficult problem] for many small businesses.

  • He had 'a devil of a time' getting another job. [=he found it very difficult to get another job]

  • The shoes look great, but they're 'the devil' to walk in. [=they are very difficult to walk in]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) "Who told you to attack the machines, you idiots? Without them you'll all die!!" "It's the witch's fault-!" "Let's all watch as the world goes to the devil!" "Find the witch, this is all her fault-! Strike her dead-!!" "Now I'm going to take you home, my Hel!" "The witch-! the witch-! (..)
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