

  • noun: the act of identifying a disease, illness, or problem by examining someone or something
  • noun: the art or act of identifying a disease from its signs and symptoms


  • The committee published its 'diagnosis' of the problems affecting urban schools.

  • The unusual combination of symptoms made accurate 'diagnosis' difficult.

  • She is an expert in the 'diagnosis' and treatment of eye diseases.

Movie quotes

  • (..) Okay, hum, hum, okay, got it? Hum. I know all this is connected to him finding that finger. I'm not some radio advice hack who performs diagnoses over the phone. This is exactly why I brought him here in person... Cure him. No, it doesn't really work that way. Therapy with a child is... (..)
    2008 TvShow: Bones Title: The Finger in the Nest Season: 4 Episode 3