

  • verb: to change the usual appearance, sound, taste, etc., of (someone or something) so that people will not recognize that person or thing
  • verb: to change the customary dress or appearance of
  • often + 'as'
  • synonyms: feign, dissemble, hide


  • The journalist traveled the city 'disguised as' [=dressed like; pretending to be] a beggar.

  • She 'disguised' herself 'as' a musician to get into the concert hall early.

  • He tried to 'disguise' his voice on the phone but I could tell it was him.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) .. An armed, Negro cowboy costume in a room fuII of white former sIave owners. .. You'II win first prize. .. Listen, the art of disguise is what we need to get into the party... .. ...to find the kidnapped scientists... .. ...before they're forced to create something that'II destroy the U.S. .. (..)
    1999 Wild Wild West
  • (..) .. President Grant.... .. Sir, these are periIous times. .. I was mereIy demonstrating how someone, using the art of disguise... .. ...couId penetrate into the very boweIs of the White House, sir. .. You're cIever, Gordon. One day it's going to get you kiIIed. .. (..)
    1999 Wild Wild West