

  • verb: to make (a picture, image, etc.) by making lines on a surface especially with a pencil, pen, marker, chalk, etc., but not usually with paint
  • verb: to cause to move continuously toward or after a force applied in advance
  • often + 'for'
  • synonyms: pull, drag, attract


  • A good writer knows how to 'draw' readers 'in'. [=how to make readers interested; how to make people want to read something]

  • Many people have been 'drawing' comparisons 'between' the two movies. [=have been saying that the movies are similar]

  • When the huge crowd suddenly became unruly, security 'was quick on the draw'. [=security reacted very quickly]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Bring Ms. Murphy up here. Yes, sir. Norton said that they may be using drones for protection. So, what ever you do, do not draw your weapons. They won't shoot if we're unarmed. Clear? Clear! Hold it right there! Don't move! This is private property! (..)
    2014 RoboCop