

  • noun: a bridge that can be raised up so that people cannot cross it or so that boats can pass under it
  • noun: a bridge made to be raised up, let down, or 'drawn' aside so as to permit or hinder passage


  • raise/lower the 'drawbridge'

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Kingslayer's commands. Edmure: My lord has given an order. With a knife to his throat. That is not a valid order. Lower the drawbridge and open the gate for Lord Ed-- Man: Aye, ser. I'll have your head before I surrender Riverrun. You are not lord of this castle, my lord. - Lower the drawbridge. - Man #: Black Walder: we've just surrendered our most valuable prisoner. Welcome home, my lord. (..)
    2016 TvShow: Game of Thrones Title: No One Season: 6 Episode 8