

  • noun: a place or organization where people live or do business
  • noun: something 'established'
  • usually used with 'the'
  • synonyms: settlement, confirmation


  • He accepted a boring job and became a member of 'the Establishment'.

  • His novels were disliked by 'the' literary 'establishment'.

  • the 'establishment' of a business/school/church/settlement

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) to come with, uh...Gil? You coming? ♪ You got that thing - You got that thing ♪ ♪ ♪ This is one of the finest establishments in Paris. They do a diamond whiskey sour. Bon soir, tous le monde! (Good evening, everyone!) Un peu tir de bourbon, s'il vous plaît. (..)
    2011 Midnight in Paris