

  • verb: to call for forcibly or urgently and obtain
  • verb: to demand and get (something, such as payment or revenge) especially by using force or threats
  • adjective: fully and completely correct or accurate
  • adjective: exhibiting or marked by strict, particular, and complete accordance with fact or a standard
  • used in phrases like 'exact a terrible toll' and 'exact a high/heavy price' to say that something has caused a lot of suffering, loss, etc.
  • synonyms: true, correct, precise


  • I realize now that I have tried to make my work the 'exact opposite' of my father's. [=to make my work as different as possible from my father's]

  • He used to be romantic, but now he's the 'exact opposite'. [=now he is not at all romantic]

  • He came a long way—from Nome, Alaska, 'to be exact'—to attend the wedding.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) so I could be ready for this. It's like your heart is outside your body. You see it for the first time. And knowing that all of it... it's always been about her. God, yes. I feel the exact same way about Maya. No, I was talking about Dana. Right. I don't know. Our thing, it's incredibly hot still. (..)
    2003 TvShow: Six Feet Under Title: Making Love Work Season: 3 Episode 6