

  • noun: the act of looking at something closely and carefully
  • noun: the act or process of 'examining'


  • While he was under 'cross-examination', the defendant admitted that he had lied earlier in court.

  • an 'examination table' [=a table in a doctor's office on which a patient lies to be examined]

  • The police made/performed a rigorous 'examination' of the evidence at the crime scene.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) - I don't blame you. - Ever been through an audit? - No. - It's hell. It's the financial equivalent of a complete rectal examination. I would've killed this man. Torn him limb from limb. Ripped the flesh right off his bones. - Yeah? - It's George. (..)
    1991 TvShow: Seinfeld Title: The Truth Season: 3 Episode 2