

  • noun: the state of existing
  • noun: reality as opposed to appearance
  • usually singular
  • synonyms: being, creature, entity


  • We shouldn't deny the 'existence' of these problems. [=we shouldn't deny that these problems are present or real]

  • long before the country had 'come into existence' [=begun to exist; come to have actual being]

  • I owe my very 'existence' [='life'] to their courage. [=I am alive because of their courage]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) ...because she doesn't meet your mental requirements? Perhaps. But you see. the only thing l can really... ...speculate on. Nurse Ratched... ...is the very existence ot my lite... ...with or without my wite... ...in terms ot the human relationships. the juxtaposition ot... ...one person to another. (..)
    1975 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest