

  • noun: a belief that something will happen or is likely to happen
  • noun: the act or state of 'expecting'
  • usually plural
  • synonyms: trust, confidence, anticipation


  • We need to have more realistic 'expectations' about when the house will be finished. [=to accept that the house will not be finished as soon as we thought it would be]

  • Company earnings were 'not up to expectations'. = Earnings 'fell short of expectations'. [=the company did not earn as much money as people thought it would earn]

  • The restaurant has succeeded 'beyond' (all) 'expectations'. = The restaurant has 'exceeded expectations'. [=it is more successful than people thought it would be]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) I feel the same way. What's it like being a young hotshot doctor? Did you ever go see a movie everyone told you was great and because of all the expectations, you were disappointed? Movies nowadays have too many special effects. That was my point. My first code. Someone's heart fails, (..)
    2001 TvShow: Scrubs Title: My First Day Season: 1 Episode 1