

  • noun: the range, distance, or space that is covered or affected by something or included in something
  • noun: valuation (as of land) in Great Britain especially for taxation
  • used to indicate the degree to which something exists, happens, or is true
  • synonyms: extended, compass, bulk


  • He was fearful 'to the extent that' he refused to leave his house. [=he was so fearful that he refused to leave his house]

  • This new tax affects everyone 'to a greater or lesser extent'. [=it affects some people more than it does other people]

  • He studied only 'to the extent that' was required to pass the exam. [=he studied just enough to pass the exam]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) the spinal cavity... ...and fused the vertebrae at muItiple points... ...including the lamina and the roof of the spinal column. We won't know the extent of the damage until we get in there. I suggest we cut off these mechanical arms, slice up the harness... ...and, if need be, (..)
    2004 Spider-Man 2