

  • adjective: known or recognized by very many people
  • adjective: widely known
  • often + 'for' or 'as'
  • synonyms: transcendent, illustrious, remarkable


  • The hotel is 'famous as' the place where the treaty was signed.

  • a 'famous' entertainer/explorer/athlete/politician

  • The hotel is (justly) 'famous for' its luxury.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) that has entered my field of vision." She was out of it at the end, so maybe it's dumb to try to attribute it to anything. Back in the s, I was in a very famous TV Show called Horsin' Around. Please hold your applause. And I remember one time, a fan asked me, "Hey, um, you know that episode (..)
    2018 TvShow: BoJack Horseman Title: Free Churro Season: 5 Episode 6