

  • noun: a person who is very enthusiastic about something
  • adjective: marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion
  • synonyms: ultra, unreasonable, enthusiast


  • She was 'fanatically' devoted to her job.

  • a religious 'fanatic' [='extremist']

  • He is 'fanatical about' boating.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) _ I'd call that a successful gambit. - Would you? - Look around. The city has come back to life. - You made a pact with fanatics. - I did and it worked. If you shaved your beard with a straight razor, you'd say the razor worked. That doesn't mean it won't cut your throat. (..)
    2016 TvShow: Game of Thrones Title: No One Season: 6 Episode 8