

  • adverb: to or at or to a more distant place or time or a more advanced point
  • adverb: at or to a greater distance or more advanced point
  • synonyms: additional, further, beyond


  • You think I don't like you? 'Nothing could be farther from the truth'. [=it is completely untrue that I don't like you; I like you very much]

  • I tried to read the book, but I got no 'farther' [='further'] than the first chapter.

  • It's 'farther' away than I'd thought.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) ...and that tank is bone-dry, I want you to be there with me... ...when everyone says, "Kramer and that other guy... ...they went farther to the left of the slash than anyone ever dreamed." Maybe we'd better get moving. It's good to have you back, Stan. -It's Rick, by the way. -No time. (..)
    1998 TvShow: Seinfeld Title: The Dealership Season: 9 Episode 11