

  • adjective: currently popular
  • adjective: conforming to the custom, 'fashion', or established mode
  • synonyms: current, genteel, well-bred


  • He arrived at the party 'fashionably' late. [=he arrived at the party slightly late, which is the fashionable thing to do]

  • She wore a sleek black dress and 'fashionable' [='stylish'] shoes.

  • It isn't 'fashionable' to express such an opinion these days.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) - What's necessary, my friend. I will tell him you saved his life. Master Wayne, you've been gone a long time. - Yes, I have. - You look very fashionable. Apart from the mud. Are you coming back to Gotham for long, sir? As long as it takes. I want to show the people... (..)
    2005 Batman Begins