

  • noun: the soft parts of the body of an animal or person
  • noun: the soft parts of the body of an animal and especially of a vertebrate
  • verb: to initiate or habituate especially by giving a foretaste
  • usually used with 'out'
  • synonyms: mankind, humanity, gentleness


  • The memory of all that blood was enough to 'make my flesh crawl/creep'. [=to make me feel disgusted, afraid, etc.]

  • I try to get up early and exercise, though sometimes 'the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak'.

  • pleasures of the 'flesh' [=physical pleasures, such as eating, drinking, and having sex]

Movie quotes

  • (..) "or to take arms against a sea of trouble, "And by sleep to say we end the heartache "and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to. "the undiscovered country... from whose bourn"... "In thy orisons, be all my sins remembered... "Or erased." (..)
    2016 TvShow: 12 Monkeys Title: Lullaby Season: 2 Episode 8