

  • noun: a small tool with two or more pointed parts (called prongs or tines) used for picking up and eating food
  • noun: an implement with two or more prongs used especially for taking up (as in eating), pitching, or digging
  • verb: to divide into two or more branches
  • verb: to divide into two parts
  • usually + 'over' or 'out'
  • synonyms: prong, after, branch


  • The company 'forked out' thousands of dollars to repair the damage.

  • He had to 'fork over' half his paycheck.

  • The road 'forks' to the north and south.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) .. I know why those foreign guys were at LoveIess' party. .. This is fantastic. How do you cook it? .. I mean, you can cut it with a fork. .. In a daubiere. It's a cIay pot. It's a French method. .. Foreign ministers. .. (..)
    1999 Wild Wild West