

  • noun: resources or advantage acquired or increased
  • verb: to get (something wanted or valued)
  • verb: to acquire or get possession of usually by industry, merit, or craft
  • usually + 'in'
  • synonyms: profit, convenient, suitable


  • They hope to make big 'gains' in Congress in the coming election. [=they hope that many more members of their party will be elected to Congress]

  • Her hard work 'gained' her their respect. [=she has gained their respect through hard work; they respect her now because of her hard work]

  • a stock that was one of the year's biggest 'gainers' [=one of the stocks that increased the most in value]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) and a new opportunity. The flock stay in close contact by calling one another. Weak from lack of food and water, they use thermals, rising columns of warm air, to gain height. For many this is their first journey across the Himalayas. For some, it will be their last. The golden eagles (..)
    2006 TvShow: Planet Earth Title: Mountains Season: 1 Episode 2
  • (..) To reach their overwintering grounds in India they must cross the Himalayas. By late morning ferocious winds are roaring past the peaks. The cranes must gain height to avoid the building storm. They've hit serious turbulence. They must turn back or risk death. A new day (..)
    2006 TvShow: Planet Earth Title: Mountains Season: 1 Episode 2