

  • noun: public praise, honor, and fame
  • noun: praise, honor, or distinction extended by common consent
  • verb: to rejoice proudly
  • used with 'in'
  • synonyms: renown, excellency, brilliancy


  • Neither candidate has exactly 'covered himself in/with glory' [=neither candidate has been very successful or impressive] during this campaign.

  • They are 'basking in the glory' of their success. [=they are enjoying the attention that has been given to them because of their success]

  • He intends this movie to be the 'crowning glory' [=the final, most successful part or achievement] of his career as a filmmaker.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Dialogue: Marked=..,Default,NTP,!Effect,l can tell you how to bottle fame... Dialogue: Marked=..,Default,NTP,!Effect,...brew glory and even\Nput a stopper in death. Dialogue: Marked=..,Default,NTP,!Effect,Then again, maybe some of you have\Ncome to Hogwarts in ... (..)
    2001 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone