

  • noun: the quality or state of being good
  • used to express mild surprise or shock
  • synonyms: excellence, virtue, kindness


  • She agreed to help him 'out of the goodness of her heart'. [=because she is a kind and generous person]

  • He finally got a raise. 'Goodness knows' he deserved one. [=he certainly deserved one]

  • If you cook the vegetables too long, they'll lose all their (natural) 'goodness'.

Movie quotes

  • (..) It's a disaster down there. Come on. How bad can it be? Oh. Bloody hell. Everything still quiet in there? Yes. Thank goodness. Yes. It would be something though, wouldn't it? If we were able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a life beyond this? (SIGHS) (..)
    2016 The Conjuring 2
  • (..) You saw it with your own eyes. Well, Peggy was the one who saw someone attacking Janet. But she teleported herself into a room locked from the outside, for goodness' sake. And what about her voice? How do we explain that? I think the first time she was making that voice (..)
    2016 The Conjuring 2