

  • noun: the quality or state of being good
  • used to express mild surprise or shock
  • synonyms: excellence, virtue, kindness


  • She agreed to help him 'out of the goodness of her heart'. [=because she is a kind and generous person]

  • He finally got a raise. 'Goodness knows' he deserved one. [=he certainly deserved one]

  • If you cook the vegetables too long, they'll lose all their (natural) 'goodness'.

Movie quotes

  • (..) Yes, it was a complete accident. A freak. I haven't seen it since. Just that one time. Like that, but bigger. Bigger. Yeah, big... big... Well, not that big. My goodness. Marcello, come here. Hurry up. Why do they switch the "R"s and the "L"s here? Oh, for yuks. You know, just to mix it up. (..)
    2003 Lost in Translation