

  • noun: a kind, helpful, or friendly feeling or attitude
  • noun: a kindly feeling of approval and support
  • often used before another noun
  • synonyms: bomfog, benthamism, christian charity


  • They allowed him to keep the extra money as a gesture of 'goodwill'.

  • a 'goodwill' ambassador on a 'goodwill' tour/mission

  • She has/feels 'goodwill' toward all her coworkers.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Not even my own kin. Fili, don't be a fool. You belong with the company. I belong with my brother. By my beard, is that the time?! Ah! Go now with our goodwill... ...and good wishes. - And may your return bring good fortune... Wait! all! Good bye. (..)
    2013 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug