

  • noun: the teachings of the Christian religion
  • noun: the message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation
  • usually used with 'the'
  • synonyms: evangelical, news, evangel


  • She's always spreading/preaching the 'gospel' of good health. [=telling people about the importance of good health]

  • I didn't do it, and that's 'the gospel truth'. [=the absolute truth; a completely true statement]

  • These myths are 'accepted/taken as gospel' [=believed to be true] by many teenagers.

Movie quotes

  • (..) But this says nothing of marriage. Well, actually.... Robert. Actually, in those days, the word "companion" literally meant "spouse." And this is from the Gospel of Mary Magdalene herself. -She wrote a gospel? -She may have. -Robert, will you fight fair? -She may have. (..)
    2006 The Da Vinci Code
  • (..) Just because da Vinci painted it doesn't make it true. No. But history... ...she does make it true. Now, listen to this. It's from the Gospel according to Philip. Philip? Yes, it was rejected at the Council of Nicaea... ...along with any other gospels that made... (..)
    2006 The Da Vinci Code