

  • noun: a holder of an academic degree or diploma
  • verb: to earn a degree or diploma from a school, college, or university
  • verb: to grant an academic degree or diploma to
  • often + 'of'
  • synonyms: graduated, alumnus, alumna


  • The former child actor has finally 'graduated' [='moved on'] 'to' more serious roles.

  • an engineering 'graduate' [=a person with a degree in engineering]

  • My nephew has 'graduated from' baby food 'to' solid food.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) along shortly. Now, because I had been a football star and war hero and national celebrity and a shrimping boat captain and a college graduate, the city fathers of Greenbow, Alabama, decided to get together and offered me a fine job. So I never went back to work for Lieutenant Dan, (..)
    1994 Forrest Gump