

  • noun: the process of growing
  • noun: a stage in the process of 'growing'
  • often + 'of'
  • synonyms: size, augmentation, advancement


  • Children's books are a 'growth area' [=an area of business that is becoming larger and more successful] in the publishing industry.

  • Children's publishing is a 'growth industry'. [=a business that is becoming larger and more successful]

  • The company has limited 'growth potential'. [=the company is not likely to grow much larger]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) He brought peace to this country's most violent city. He showed us all that Detroit and America can have a brighter future a future of economic growth. Freedom and happiness. On tonight's show, a visionary and true patriot. The CEO of Omnicorp, Raymond Sellers. (..)
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