

  • noun: the process of growing
  • noun: a stage in the process of 'growing'
  • often + 'of'
  • synonyms: size, augmentation, advancement


  • Children's books are a 'growth area' [=an area of business that is becoming larger and more successful] in the publishing industry.

  • Children's publishing is a 'growth industry'. [=a business that is becoming larger and more successful]

  • The company has limited 'growth potential'. [=the company is not likely to grow much larger]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) very few people have been on Phalanxifor as long as Hazel has. We really don't know the long-term effects. What we're trying to do is prevent endothelial growth... which, when overexpressed, can contribute to disease, decay... vascular inhibition... and the spread of the tumors (..)
    2014 The Fault in Our Stars
  • (..) They put a tube in. They drained a liter and a half last night. MICHAEL: The good news is... no tumor growth. No new tumors in your body. We're so relieved. This is just a thing, Hazel. It's a thing we can live with. Mr. Lancaster. (..)
    2014 The Fault in Our Stars