

  • pronoun: that which belongs to or is connected with her
  • pronoun, singular or plural in construction: that which belongs to her
  • used without a following noun as a pronoun equivalent in meaning to the adjective 'her'


  • The book is 'hers'. [=the book belongs to her; it is her book]

  • a former professor 'of hers' [=one of her former professors]

  • That face 'of hers' [=her face] is hard to forget.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) - He'll kill us both. - Shut up. - He will. - I said shut up. I'll keep my word when the queen keeps hers, where's my wife?! He's going to betray you. My sister has many powers. She can take life away, or sustain it. But she can't bring your wife back from the dead you fool! (..)
    2012 Snow White and the Huntsman
  • (..) They ruin us, and when they are finished with us, they toss us to their dogs like scraps. What have you given me? When a woman stays young and beautiful forever, the world is hers. First I will take your life, my lord. And then I'll take your throne. Welcome brother. - My queen. (..)
    2012 Snow White and the Huntsman