

  • noun: a person who is captured by someone who demands that certain things be done before the captured person is freed
  • noun: a person held by one party in a conflict as a pledge pending the fulfillment of an agreement
  • sometimes used figuratively
  • synonyms: bail, bond, captive


  • a neighborhood being 'held hostage' to fear [=a neighborhood controlled or dominated by fear]

  • The terrorists demanded a plane and a pilot in exchange for the 'hostages'.

  • The 'hostage' crisis is now entering its second week.

Movie quotes

  • (..) and again yesterday in San Francisco. ln spite of the two attempts, Mr. Ford says... he will not become a prisoner of the Oval Office... a hostage of would-be assassins. The American people are good people. Democrats, lndependents, Republicans and others. (..)
    1976 Network