

  • verb: to have (someone or something) as part of a group or total
  • verb: to shut up
  • synonyms: enclose, hold, contain


  • He says he doesn't want to be 'included' in the project. [=he doesn't want to participate in the project]

  • Everyone, myself/me 'included' [=everyone, including me], liked the book better than the movie.

  • The collection has some surprising 'inclusions'. [=it includes some surprising things]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) do we want any one of you to relate to each other... by your Christian names. And I don't want any talk about yourself personally. That includes where you been, your wife's name... where you might've done time... or a bank maybe you robbed in St. Petersburg. All I want you guys to talk about, (..)
    1992 Reservoir Dogs