

  • noun: a person to whom someone is engaged to be married
  • noun: the person to whom another is engaged
  • adjective: in your mind as a purpose or goal
  • adjective: expected to be such in the future
  • usually singular
  • synonyms: extended, forcible, violent


  • He 'intended' that his daughter would inherit the business. = ('Brit') He 'intended' leaving the business to his daughter.

  • If everything goes 'as intended' [=if everything happens in the way that has been planned], he will graduate this spring.

  • The bullet 'was intended for' him. [=the person who shot the gun wanted the bullet to hit him]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) could not wait for me. You probably thought it was an impossible task you had set me, in any case. I was never supposed to achieve it. You never really intended to marry me, did you? I'm sorry. I don't even know your name. My name is Vik, King Harald. I am happy to meet you. (..)
    2017 TvShow: Vikings Title: On the Eve Season: 4 Episode 19