

  • noun: a very close and trusted friend
  • verb: to make known especially publicly or formally
  • verb: to say or suggest (something) in an indirect way
  • adjective: having a very close relationship
  • adjective: belonging to or characterizing one's deepest nature
  • synonyms: announce, familiar, near


  • We have an 'intimate' friendship with our neighbors. = We are 'on intimate terms' with our neighbors. [=we are very close friends with our neighbors]

  • He denies that they were ever 'intimate'. = He denies that he was ever 'intimate with' her. [=that he ever had sexual relations with her]

  • ('chiefly US') a store that sells 'intimate' apparel [=women's underwear and clothes for sleeping]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) - It's all taken care of. How is that? An old friend of mine, whom you may have met... ...George Costanza, has recently become intimate... ...with a female accountant who was formerly... ...a highly placed official with a little outfit... ...known as the IRS. (..)
    1991 TvShow: Seinfeld Title: The Truth Season: 3 Episode 2