

  • noun: a country whose ruler is a king or queen
  • noun: a politically organized community or major territorial unit having a monarchical form of government headed by a king or queen
  • often used figuratively
  • synonyms: realm, monarchy, empire


  • He took out his shotgun and threatened to blast/blow them all 'to kingdom come'.

  • After Queen Mary I died, her half sister Elizabeth ruled the 'kingdom'.

  • He was one of the most successful planters in the cotton 'kingdom'.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) what are we doing, then? I think it's time we introduced you to Ezekiel. King Ezekiel. King? It's called "the Kingdom"? Yeah. I didn't name it. How much farther? Well, technically, we're already here. I mean, we're always here, but here we are... at the Kingdom. Well, its outer edge. Hey, what the hell we waitin' on? Waiting for them. Who dares to trespass on the sovereign land of the... (..)
    2017 TvShow: The Walking Dead Title: Rock in the Road Season: 7 Episode 9