

  • noun: the state or condition of not having any or enough of something
  • verb: to not have (something)
  • verb: to be deficient or missing
  • + 'for'
  • synonyms: blame, fault, crime


  • They called it a comet, 'for lack of' a better term/word. [=because they could not think of a better term/word for it]

  • His honesty, or 'lack thereof', is the real problem. [=the real problem is his lack of honesty]

  • There was 'no lack of' interest in the proposal. [=there was much interest in the proposal]

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Don't let him fool you. There's loads if you can move them. -I'll take one. But you can't. -My fence seemed confident. -With cash you don't need a fence. -Some lack vision. Probably everybody in cellblock E. That's $. -What's the first lesson in poker? -Never bet on the-- (..)
    2001 Ocean's Eleven